Scientists of the BonaRes Centre are affiliated with six research institutions in Germany: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V., Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz (SMNG), Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), and Technische Universität München (TUM) – Chair of Soil Science and Justus Liebig University of Giessen (JLU) - Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding. They collaborate in four work packages and form interdisciplinary teams.
Download the current Who is Who file Here
bonares team graph 2-8

BonaRes Centre Coordinator

Synthesis Manager

Alena Roos (UFZ)
BonaRes Centre Team Assistant

Susanne Döhler (UFZ)

BonaRes Data Management

Data acquisition and WP coordination

Dr. Einar Eberhardt (BGR)
Data standards & homogenization

Jacqueline Fritsche (ZALF)
Quality management and -assurance of research data and metadata

Long-term field experiments

Data standards for soil research

Analysis of plant and soil parameters in long-term experiments (LTE).

Cover crop, crop rotation, mineral fertilization and soil fertility in long-term experiment (LTE)

Central data base for soil research data
Associated scientists

Soil standards and acquisition of long-term field experiment data

Knowledge base, modelling complex systems

Soil governance

scenarios of soil management

Computer Scientist

Economic valuation of soil functions (and associated ecosystem services)

Dr. Carsten Paul (ZALF)
Designing the Impact Assessment Platform

Analysis of functional biodiversity and food webs

Complex process interactions and feedbacks

Soil biochemical processes

Juridical assessment

Coordination GCEF soil research

Dr. Uwe Franko (UFZ)
SOM Dynamics

Economic valuation, biodiversity, ecosystem services, instruments

Soil-landscape modelling

Impact Assessment

Dr. Petra Koeppe (ZALF)
BonaRes Portal Coordination

Mateusz Mroz (ZALF)
Computer Scientist

Tailored model tools, modelportal interfaces