neue Publikation: Pressures on soil functions from soil management in Germany. A foresight review Techen, A., Helming, K. (2017). Pressures...
New Publication: Rabot, E., M. Wiesmeier, S. Schlüter, and H.-J. Vogel (2017): Soil Structure as an indicator for soil functions: A review....
New discussion paper: Vogel, H.-J., Bartke, S., Daedlow, K., Helming, K., Kögel-Knabner, I., Lang, B., Rabot, E., Russell, D., Stößel, B.,...
The conference brings together researchers from all disciplines of soil science to discuss the functionality of soil ecosystems and how to...
Das Memorandum zeigt den Handlungsbedarf für den Fortbestand und skizziert Handlungsoptionen zum Erhalt und zur Nutzung der...
Neue Publikation: Kuhwald, M., Blaschek, M., Brunotte, J. and Duttmann, R. (2017): Comparing soil physical properties from continuous...