April 12, 2021

Soil-X: Improving the value of soil data based on GAIA-X

Together with SMEs and within the guardrails of GAIA-X, we will leverage existing infrastructures to provide already published data in GAIA-X compliant data spaces. Our focus is on soil data e.g. LTE data and soil profile data.  The data will be harmonized and made available in the Soil-X data space for additional use as interoperable services. In this way, the exploitability and thus the added value are increased.

We are a consortium of science (ZALF, Thünen-Institute, TH OWL, JKI) and SMEs (rasdaman GmbH, wetransform GmbH, 52°North GmbH, GISCON geo.engineering.gmbh) and cover with our respective capabilities and infrastructures the areas of data provision, data harmonization and utilization.


picture: N. Svoboda